Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)
Get ahead of your competitors with more productive in-house supply with intelligent transport systems for autonomous pallet and box transport.
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)
Get ahead of your competitors with more productive in-house supply with intelligent transport systems for autonomous pallet and box transport.
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)
Get ahead of your competitors with more productive in-house supply with intelligent transport systems for autonomous pallet and box transport.

Why automate?
Automation streamlines transport and warehousing processes, boosts profitability and competitiveness, increases safety and helps overcome labour shortage issues.
Why with AGV?
Autonomous guided vehicles ensure precise handling even in narrow aisles, avoid obstacles and are easy to implement and operate. In addition, they optimize the performance of tasks by communicating with each other.
Why automate with us?
We are a certified partner of ServisControl with experience in various types of operations.
Thanks to a number of successful implementations, we can also help you improve the performance of your logistics.
AMR pro intralogistiku
Autonomní mobilní roboty (AMR) s rojovou inteligencí AGILOX rychle zdomácní ve vašem provozu, ať už působíte v automotive, elektrotechnice, potravinářství nebo jiném oboru, kde se neobejdete bez vysoce spolehlivého a efektivního logistického systému.
Vyberte si jednoduché a flexibilní řešení
AGV and AMR for intralogistics
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are a key element for automating logistics processes, whether you are in the automotive, electrical, food or any other industry where you cannot do without a highly reliable and efficient logistics system.
Universal platform vehicle with extended manoeuvrability
Low platform vehicle with special wheels for real-time omnidirectional movement. Thanks to its excellent manoeuvrability, RoboMec is also suitable for confined spaces. Capable of smooth and precise guidance even under higher loads, it can be supplemented with a lifting mechanism or an additional axle for transporting even multi-ton loads.

Universal platform vehicle with extended manoeuvrability

Low platform vehicle with special wheels for real-time omnidirectional movement. Thanks to its excellent manoeuvrability, RoboMec is also suitable for confined spaces. Capable of smooth and precise guidance even under higher loads, it can be supplemented with a lifting mechanism or an additional axle for transporting even multi-ton loads.
Universal platform vehicle
Nízký obousměrný platformový vozík schopný tzv. krabího pohybu při zastavení. Lze vybavit otočným mechanismem nebo zdvihacím zařízením pro podjetí a nadzvednutí nákladu. Nabízí se v různých rozměrech a verzích s velkou variabilitou konstrukce.

Universal platform vehicle

Nízký obousměrný platformový vozík schopný tzv. krabího pohybu při zastavení. Lze vybavit otočným mechanismem nebo zdvihacím zařízením pro podjetí a nadzvednutí nákladu. Nabízí se v různých rozměrech a verzích s velkou variabilitou konstrukce.
Universal platform vehicle
A two-way vehicle with a control console that is equipped with a touch panel and buttons for the operator. It can be supplemented with a lifting mechanism and is available in several versions and sizes.

Universal platform vehicle

A two-way vehicle with a control console that is equipped with a touch panel and buttons for the operator. It can be supplemented with a lifting mechanism and is available in several versions and sizes.
Low lift AGVs for pallet transport
An omnidirectional autonomous mobile robot designed to transport standard and custom pallets, capable of loading even in a limited handling space of up to 1.8 m. Smart drive technology with free-standing wheels enables it to negotiate slightly undulating terrain. The AGV can be equipped with a barcode scanner, 3D camera for obstacle detection and a load leveling bracket.

Low lift AGVs for pallet transport
This is an advanced series of AGVs, improved with a higher load and lift height, where it can lift loads weighing up to 1,300 kg up to a height of 80 cm. It is designed to transport various types of pallets, uses fully autonomous SLAM navigation and can also be equipped with a 3D camera for obstacle detection.

Low lift AGVs for pallet transport

This is an advanced series of AGVs, improved with a higher load and lift height, where it can lift loads weighing up to 1,300 kg up to a height of 80 cm. It is designed to transport various types of pallets, uses fully autonomous SLAM navigation and can also be equipped with a 3D camera for obstacle detection.
Low lift AGVs for pallet transport

An omnidirectional autonomous mobile robot designed to transport standard and custom pallets, capable of loading even in a limited handling space of up to 1.8 m. Smart drive technology with free-standing wheels enables it to negotiate slightly undulating terrain. The AGV can be equipped with a barcode scanner, 3D camera for obstacle detection and a load leveling bracket.
Krytý obousměrný vozík pro venkovní použití
RoboCampo je primárně určen pro přepravu nákladů v exteriéru, ale uplatnění najde i ve vnitřních prostorách, kde vyžadován oplach vozíku nebo větší světlá výška kvůli nerovnostem a překážkám na podlaze. Oceníte jej také při přepravě nákladů mezi halami přes venkovní prostředí.
Towing vehicle (train)
Towing AGV with optional "follow me" function and automatic uncoupling of the rig. It is equipped with a towing device that allows large quantities of products to be transported over long distances when precise positioning at the production line is not required.

Autonomous cleaning robots (AMR)
Flexible washing or vacuuming autonomous mobile robots (AMR) are suitable for industry and logistics. Regular removal of dust and coarse dirt is an important factor for reliable process assurance in production and warehouses. The AMR ensures high navigation stability and thus reliably prevents collisions. As one of the few machines on the market, it meets the requirements of EN IEC 63627. The AMR is controlled by the fully autonomous SLAM navigation system.
The operation of the cleaning robots is completely self-sufficient and no WLAN or internet connection is required. The machines are equipped with a service station where the dirt collection container is emptied and automatically recharged. This increases the level of automation and reduces the requirement for personal supervision. The technology is controlled via a user-friendly touch screen.
RoboCleaner can clean up to 2,750 m2 per hour. To empty the accumulated dirt and pump clean water, it goes to the service station with automatic charging, which is included in the delivery.


RoboCleaner can clean up to 2,750 m2 per hour. To empty the accumulated dirt and pump clean water, it goes to the service station with automatic charging, which is included in the delivery.
Maximum cleaning capacity of the RoboSweeper is 5,000 m2 per hour. It is specially designed for logistics and industrial areas to effectively remove coarse dirt in large halls or warehouses.


Maximum cleaning capacity of the RoboSweeper is 5,000 m2 per hour. It is specially designed for logistics and industrial areas to effectively remove coarse dirt in large halls or warehouses.
Towing vehicle (train)

Towing AGV with optional "follow me" function and automatic uncoupling of the rig. It is equipped with a towing device that allows large quantities of products to be transported over long distances when precise positioning at the production line is not required.
Autonomní vysokozdvižný vozík s 3D skenerem
AMR umožňující zdvihnout náklad o hmotnosti až 1200 kg do výšky 3 metrů (standardně 1,6 metru). Má úzké tělo s volitelným rozvorem vidlí a opěrné nohy pro zlepšení stability. Obousměrný pohyb je řízen navigací SLAM využívající 3D LiDAR pro automatické vyhledání palety.
Robotizovaný vozík pro čištění a vysávání
RoboCleaner zvládne uklidit až 5000 m2 za hodinu, přičemž je řízen plně autonomní navigací SLAM. K vyprázdnění nabraných nečistot a načerpání čisté vody zajíždí do servisní stanice s automatickým nabíjením.
Automatizované vozíky (AGV) a autonomní mobilní roboty (AMR) hrají zásadní roli v modernizaci logistických operací v průmyslových firmách. Tyto pokročilé robotické systémy...
Výběr automaticky řízených vozíků (AGV) pro výrobní firmu je klíčové rozhodnutí, které může výrazně ovlivnit efektivitu a produktivitu provozu. Zde jsou hlavní...
At the Greiner Packaging plant in Louka near Litvínov, where K1 technology produces plastic packaging, especially cups for the food industry,...