Automated warehouse

Warehouse automation through the flexible IdeaStorage technology maximises the use of storage space, significantly reduces inter-warehouse movements and saves time, money and human resources in internal logistics.

Automated warehouse

Warehouse automation through the flexible IdeaStorage technology maximises the use of storage space, significantly reduces inter-warehouse movements and saves time, money and human resources in internal logistics.

Automated warehouse

Warehouse automation through the flexible IdeaStorage technology maximises the use of storage space, significantly reduces inter-warehouse movements and saves time, money and human resources in internal logistics.

Customised automated warehouse systems

Warehouse filled to 90% of available capacity

The warehouse structure, which is up to 9.5 metres high, consists of a dense spatial network of aluminium profiles over which robots move on rails. The configuration can be easily adjusted to suit your current requirements.

The robots work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

The agile robots can carry up to 25 kg of cargo, which they lift in transport boxes like an elevator. The robot can transport 20 fully loaded boxes per hour, recharging itself as needed.

Intelligent storage in conventional boxes

In our automated warehouse, you can use standard shipping boxes marked with EAN codes. A powerful control system optimises goods handling.

Why work with us?

We increase your productivity

Take advantage of our extensive experience in implementing automated storage systems.

We’ll help you save

We’ll find the best solution to suit your needs and the potential benefits for your improved efficiency.

Comprehensive solutions

We help and advise our customers in the design and implementation of innovations in warehousing and internal logistics.

Technical parameters

box dimensions
600 × 400 mm with variable height up to 420 mm

box storage cell dimensions
768 × 484 mm

maximum weight of goods in the box
25 kg

maximum stacking height
20 boxes + 1 top box for temporary storage

storage capacity per 1 m2
2.4 boxes (i.e. up to 48 boxes at max. stacking height)

max. height of running plane
8,322 mm

required height above running plane
2,000 mm

static load at max. height of 20 boxes
2.5 tonnes per 1 m2

We’ll prepare a tailor-made solution for you!

Interested in automating your company's intralogistics but don't know how to get started?
We’ll be happy to discuss your needs and advise you on a no-obligation basis.

Interested in automating your company's intralogistics but don't know how to get started?

We’ll be happy to discuss your needs and advise you on a no-obligation basis.

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*) Položky označené hvězdičkou je nutné vyplnit.

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*) Položky označené hvězdičkou je nutné vyplnit.